Sunday, November 26, 2006

Reaction Paper

Author: ZapperZ (PF)

Employment in Physics –

Part 1There have been frequent questions on the kinds of employment that are available for physicists. That question is very difficult to answer, because it depends on a number of factors, such as where you are, what degree you obtained, what area of specialization you went into, and what skill you have acquired.I think it is best to start by simply pointing out the kind of job advertisements that most physicists in the market actually read. As far as I know, these are the two most popular sources of job listings aimed at physicists and others in similar fields such as astronomy, astrophysics, biophysics, chemistry, etc. Keep in mind that these job listings changes often, even weekly, and the number of listings also fluctuate during different times of the year. So sample them a few times to get a good idea of the kinds of jobs that are available.A few of the items in the list are also for "studentship", or schools offering assistantships for students to pursue a Ph.D degree, sometime for a specific field of study. So not all of them are only for job-seekers.Maybe this might influence you in the area of study you want to go into..


Nowadays physics is one of the useful subjects that we can use in our everyday lives. Especially for us students and also in our professions. Through physics we will be able to learn lots of things. As a student nurse I was able to learned lots of things that are related with my chosen profession and these things are; conversion, measurement and also different lessons that may help us towards our profession. Conversion is one of the most important method especially for us nurses it may help us on how to be resourceful especially in the absence of one equipment that we are suppose to use, but through conversion we can use another equipment and converting its unit into desireable one, so that we can meet the needs of our patients. And with regards to measurement, it is also important in our chosen profession, through physics we will be able to measure well the medications that we need to asminister with our patients and this thing may help us on how to be a better nurse.

But as mentioned in the article physics is more applicable in these fields, such as; astronomy, astrophysics, biophysics, chemistry etc. As I understand the article, physics is more applicable in these fields. However there are some difficulties that they may or we may encounter in physics. For the students who a have a course that is very much related in physics they might be encunter difficult questions such as; different factors, where field in physics that your course is related, what degree you obtained, what area of specialization you went into. But despite of these difficulties we should not give up because these things are just trials towards success..